Last updated | just now |
Price per BTDX in USD | $ |
Price per BTDX in Bitcoin | |
Volume over the last 24 hours | $ 0 |
Market cap in USD | $ 0 |
Change in % over the last hour | |
Change in % over the last 24 hours | |
Change in % over the last 7 days | |
Block chain updated | 1 day ago |
Block height | 768706 |
Difficulty | 23734.11524157 |
Current supply | 42034863.976935 |
BTDX specifications
Name | Bitcloud |
Symbol | BTDX |
Minable | Yes |
Algorithm | Quark |
Prooftype | PoW/PoS |
Block explorer | BTDX block explorer |
Total coin supply | 24000000 |
Bitcointalk | BTDX bitcointalk |
Homepage | BTDX homepage |
Explorer | BTDX explorer |
Masternode | Yes |
Bitcloud is a masternode coin. To operate a Bitcloud masternode, 10000 BTDX is required. A Bitcloud masternode costs $0 or 0 BTC. Running a Bitcloud masternode will provide passive income.
Coin description
blocktime 5min
3 MB blocksystem
Algo Quark
Port 8329
POS3 6h staking minage
Masternode Amount 10,000 BTDX
Staking 40% / Masternodes 60 %
Max Coin in 8 Years ~42 Mio