
ColossusCoinXT is currently worth $ 0.00 per coin. ColossusCoinXT has masternodes.


Last updated just now
Price per COLX in USD $
Price per COLX in Bitcoin
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 0
Market cap in USD $ 0
Change in % over the last hour
Change in % over the last 24 hours
Change in % over the last 7 days
Block chain updated 15 hours ago
Block height 3840665
Difficulty 202447.35986048
Current supply 15857346171.924

COLX specifications

Name ColossusCoinXT
Symbol COLX
Minable Yes
Algorithm X11
Prooftype PoS
Block explorer COLX block explorer
Total coin supply 21000000000
Premine: N/A


ColossusCoinXT is a masternode coin. To operate a ColossusCoinXT masternode, 10000000 COLX is required. A ColossusCoinXT masternode costs $0 or 0 BTC. Running a ColossusCoinXT masternode will provide passive income.

Coin description

Block Reward: (60% master node | 40% to miner) Stake min age is 7 days
Blocks 10,81 - 151,200: 2500 COLX
Blocks 151,201 - 302,399: 1250 COLX
Blocks 302,400 - Infinite: 1000 COLX
Proof of Stake Schedule: 5% to proposals for all phases
95% distributed to stake wallet and master node

ColossusCoinXT price history