Last updated | just now |
Price per COLX in USD | $ |
Price per COLX in Bitcoin | |
Volume over the last 24 hours | $ 0 |
Market cap in USD | $ 0 |
Change in % over the last hour | |
Change in % over the last 24 hours | |
Change in % over the last 7 days | |
Block chain updated | 15 hours ago |
Block height | 3840665 |
Difficulty | 202447.35986048 |
Current supply | 15857346171.924 |
COLX specifications
Name | ColossusCoinXT |
Symbol | COLX |
Minable | Yes |
Algorithm | X11 |
Prooftype | PoS |
Block explorer | COLX block explorer |
Total coin supply | 21000000000 |
Premine: | N/A |
Masternode | Yes |
ColossusCoinXT is a masternode coin. To operate a ColossusCoinXT masternode, 10000000 COLX is required. A ColossusCoinXT masternode costs $0 or 0 BTC. Running a ColossusCoinXT masternode will provide passive income.
Coin description
Block Reward: (60% master node | 40% to miner) Stake min age is 7 days
Blocks 10,81 - 151,200: 2500 COLX
Blocks 151,201 - 302,399: 1250 COLX
Blocks 302,400 - Infinite: 1000 COLX
Proof of Stake Schedule: 5% to proposals for all phases
95% distributed to stake wallet and master node