
Desire is currently worth $ 0.00 per coin. Desire has masternodes.


Last updated 1 year ago
Price per DSR in USD $ 0.0027310654613221
Price per DSR in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 0
Market cap in USD $ 28,047
Change in % over the last hour 0.26853932
Change in % over the last 24 hours 1.08112962
Change in % over the last 7 days -0.72725537

DSR specifications

Name Desire
Symbol DSR
Minable Yes
Algorithm NeoScrypt
Prooftype PoW
Total coin supply 22000000
Premine: 1100000
Bitcointalk DSR bitcointalk
Homepage DSR homepage
Explorer DSR explorer


Desire is a masternode coin. To operate a Desire masternode, 1000 DSR is required. A Desire masternode costs $3 or 0 BTC. Running a Desire masternode will provide passive income.

Coin description

Release date: 15/10/2017 / Premine ~ 4%
ASIC resistance
NeoScrypt hashing algorithm
Difficulty retargets using Dark Gravity Wave
CPU/GPU/ mining
Block reward is controlled by: 2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2)
Mastenode reward: 20%
Block generation: 2.5 minutes
InstantSend confirmation: ~5 seconds
Est. ~22M Max Coins
Decentralized Masternode Network
Superior Transaction Anonymity using PrivateSend

Desire price history