
Innova is currently worth $ 0.00 per coin. Innova has masternodes.


Last updated 3 hours ago
Price per INN in USD $ 0.0031722495262053
Price per INN in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 37
Market cap in USD $ 21,894
Change in % over the last hour 0.00195131
Change in % over the last 24 hours 0.0100914
Change in % over the last 7 days -0.05413875
Block chain updated 14 hours ago
Block height 5652977
Difficulty 0.44335225
Current supply 9970198.4913194

INN specifications

Name Innova
Symbol INN
Minable Yes
Algorithm NeoScrypt
Prooftype PoW
Block explorer INN block explorer
Total coin supply 45000000
Premine: 990000
Bitcointalk INN bitcointalk


Innova is a masternode coin. To operate a Innova masternode, 1000 INN is required. A Innova masternode costs $3 or 0 BTC. Running a Innova masternode will provide passive income.

Coin description

Maximum Supply: 45,000,000 coins
Algorithm: NeoScrypt
Type: PoW
Coin name: Innova
Coin abbreviation: INN
Address prefix: i
Block Time Average: 2 minutes
Block Reward: 20, decreasing by 12% every year
Block Reward Distribution: 50% to Masternodes, 50% to Miners

InstantSend Confirmation: ~5 seconds
Superior Difficulty Retargeting Using Dark Gravity Wave
Superior Transaction Anonymity Using PrivateSend
Premine: 2.2%

Innova price history