Last updated | 3 hours ago |
Price per INN in USD | $ 0.0031722495262053 |
Price per INN in Bitcoin | 0 |
Volume over the last 24 hours | $ 37 |
Market cap in USD | $ 21,894 |
Change in % over the last hour | 0.00195131 |
Change in % over the last 24 hours | 0.0100914 |
Change in % over the last 7 days | -0.05413875 |
Block chain updated | 14 hours ago |
Block height | 5652977 |
Difficulty | 0.44335225 |
Current supply | 9970198.4913194 |
INN specifications
Name | Innova |
Symbol | INN |
Minable | Yes |
Algorithm | NeoScrypt |
Prooftype | PoW |
Block explorer | INN block explorer |
Total coin supply | 45000000 |
Premine: | 990000 |
Bitcointalk | INN bitcointalk |
Masternode | Yes |
Innova is a masternode coin. To operate a Innova masternode, 1000 INN is required. A Innova masternode costs $3 or 0 BTC. Running a Innova masternode will provide passive income.
Coin description
Maximum Supply: 45,000,000 coins
Algorithm: NeoScrypt
Type: PoW
Coin name: Innova
Coin abbreviation: INN
Address prefix: i
Block Time Average: 2 minutes
Block Reward: 20, decreasing by 12% every year
Block Reward Distribution: 50% to Masternodes, 50% to Miners
InstantSend Confirmation: ~5 seconds
Superior Difficulty Retargeting Using Dark Gravity Wave
Superior Transaction Anonymity Using PrivateSend
Premine: 2.2%