
Namecoin is a decentralized naming system using PoW. It can be mined. Namecoin is currently worth $ 1.04 per coin.


Last updated 6 hours ago
Price per NMC in USD $ 1.0352053839796
Price per NMC in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 5,623
Market cap in USD $ 15,255,201
Change in % over the last hour 0.82925726
Change in % over the last 24 hours 1.46832372
Change in % over the last 7 days 2.06926725
Block chain updated 16 hours ago
Block height 758929
Difficulty 63456633431488
Current supply 19076770.386151

NMC specifications

Name Namecoin
Symbol NMC
Minable Yes
Algorithm SHA256
Prooftype PoW
Block explorer NMC block explorer
Total coin supply 21000000
Premine: N/A

Coin description

Namecoin is a decentralized naming system built on blockchain technology, enabling users to register domain names and identities without intermediaries. It operates on a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, utilizing the SHA-256 algorithm to ensure fair mining accessibility. Namecoin emphasizes censorship resistance and decentralization.

Namecoin Decentralized Naming Solutions

Namecoin's architecture supports features like .bit domain registration, digital identity management, and secure messaging. Its decentralized nature eliminates reliance on centralized authorities, ensuring freedom of expression and privacy. For example, activists can use Namecoin to host websites or communicate securely without fear of censorship.

One of Namecoin's contributions to the blockchain space is its role in advancing decentralized internet infrastructure. By providing tools for censorship-resistant communication, it empowers individuals and organizations seeking autonomy online. Keywords like Namecoin decentralized domains and censorship resistance are closely tied to this project.

Namecoin price history