
Neutron is currently worth $ 0.00 per coin. Neutron has masternodes.


Last updated 3 months ago
Price per NTRN in USD $ 0.00068706903811353
Price per NTRN in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 0
Market cap in USD $ 26,879
Change in % over the last hour 0
Change in % over the last 24 hours 0
Change in % over the last 7 days 4.6259318

NTRN specifications

Name Neutron
Symbol NTRN
Minable No
Algorithm SHA-256
Prooftype PoW/PoS
Bitcointalk NTRN bitcointalk
Homepage NTRN homepage


Neutron is a masternode coin. To operate a Neutron masternode, 25000 NTRN is required. A Neutron masternode costs $17 or 0 BTC. Running a Neutron masternode will provide passive income.

Coin description

Coin Spec's Ticker: NTRN Fair Launch, No Premine, No IPO/ICO. Algo: SHA256d RPC Port: 32000 P2P Port: 32001 Block time: 79 seconds Coinbase maturity: 90 blocks PoW generated about 1.000.000 coins PoS kicked in @ block 500 PoS Coin Maturity: 5h (hiPOS) PoS Reward: 30 NTRN Shared - Client / Nucleus Node (halving every 1m blocks)

Neutron price history