
Peercoin is a hybrid PoW/PoS cryptocurrency. It can be mined. Peercoin is currently worth $ 0.46 per coin.


Last updated 5 hours ago
Price per PPC in USD $ 0.45633138146929
Price per PPC in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 38,883
Market cap in USD $ 13,415,359
Change in % over the last hour 0.00399894
Change in % over the last 24 hours 7.14164658
Change in % over the last 7 days 2.95334887
Block chain updated 15 hours ago
Block height 794187
Difficulty 23.614122058432
Current supply 29397614.317923

PPC specifications

Name Peercoin
Symbol PPC
Minable Yes
Algorithm N/A
Prooftype PoS/PoW
Block explorer PPC block explorer

Coin description

Peercoin (PPC) is a cryptocurrency that combines proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms to ensure energy efficiency and long-term sustainability. Peercoin emphasizes security, decentralization, and low transaction fees, making it suitable for everyday payments.

Peercoin Hybrid Consensus Model

Peercoin's hybrid consensus model reduces reliance on energy-intensive mining while maintaining network security. Its staking mechanism allows users to earn rewards by holding and validating transactions, promoting decentralization and fairness. For example, businesses can use Peercoin to process payments securely without worrying about high fees or congestion.

One of Peercoin's strengths lies in its focus on longevity. By implementing a predictable monetary policy and sustainable design, it fosters trust and reliability among its users. Keywords like Peercoin hybrid consensus and PoS rewards are closely tied to this project.

Peercoin price history