Last updated | 2 years ago |
Price per XSH in USD | $ 0.00013396141291859 |
Price per XSH in Bitcoin | 0 |
Volume over the last 24 hours | $ 13 |
Market cap in USD | $ 68,719 |
Change in % over the last hour | -0.13255796 |
Change in % over the last 24 hours | 14.59104016 |
Change in % over the last 7 days | -7.52987124 |
XSH specifications
Name | SHIELD |
Symbol | XSH |
Minable | Yes |
Algorithm | Multiple |
Prooftype | PoW |
Bitcointalk | XSH bitcointalk |
Homepage | XSH homepage |
Explorer | XSH explorer |
Coin description
SHIELD is a multi algorithm coin, it can be mined with the following 6 algorithms: Blake2S, X17, Lyra2REv2, Scrypt, Myriad-Groestl, X16s.
SHIELD will be implementing masternodes and PoS in Q3 2018.
SHIELD difficulty chart
This chart displays the difficulty for each algorithm for the last 1000 blocks. Click on an algo to show/hide it.