
Unobtanium is a scarce cryptocurrency using PoW. It can be mined. Unobtanium is currently worth $ 9.42 per coin.


Last updated 2 years ago
Price per UNO in USD $ 9.4239814668768
Price per UNO in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 19
Market cap in USD $ 0
Change in % over the last hour -0.61766188
Change in % over the last 24 hours -7.55946178
Change in % over the last 7 days -9.73333461
Block chain updated 14 hours ago
Block height 2278582
Difficulty 1790810763.4379
Current supply 210213.53151896

UNO specifications

Name Unobtanium
Symbol UNO
Minable Yes
Algorithm SHA-256
Prooftype PoW
Block explorer UNO block explorer

Coin description

Unobtanium is a cryptocurrency designed as an experimental store of value. It operates on a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, utilizing the Scrypt algorithm to ensure fair mining accessibility. Unobtanium emphasizes scarcity, security, and long-term value retention.

Unobtanium Scarcity Features

Unobtanium has a fixed supply cap of 250,000 coins, making it one of the scarcest cryptocurrencies in existence. Its focus on limited issuance appeals to investors seeking a hedge against inflation or market volatility. For example, users can hold Unobtanium as a speculative asset or use it for peer-to-peer transactions.

One of Unobtanium's strengths lies in its role as a thought experiment in digital scarcity. By promoting transparency and immutability, it challenges traditional monetary policies. Keywords like Unobtanium scarcity and Scrypt mining are closely tied to this project.

Unobtanium price history