GMiner 3.25 released

Published on: 2023-01-14


  • added Firo coin support for Nvidia GPUs
  • added Sero coin support for Nvidia GPUs
  • optimized memory usage for ZIL dual or triple mining (supports ERG+KAS+ZIL mining on 6GB GPUs)
  • fixed bug with -di -1 and -zildi -1 (you can disable dual mining on some GPU by passing -1)

mmpOS update command:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf gminer_3_25_linux64.tar.xz && cd /opt/mmp/miners/gminer && agent-stop && cp /tmp/miner . && agent-start

Hive OS update command:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf gminer_3_25_linux64.tar.xz && cd /hive/miners/gminer && miner stop && cp /tmp/miner $(ls -d1 */ | tail -1)/gminer && miner start

GMiner as a GPU miner for Nvidia.

Go to the GMiner 3.25 released download page