lolMiner 1.45 released

Published on: 2022-02-15

lolMiner 1.45

(hold on while we prepare the Windows builds)


  • Added Ethash + Alephium dual mining mode analogous to existing Ethash + Ton mode. Use --dualmode ALEPHDUAL to use it. Supported GPUs: Nvidia Turing & Ampere generation, AMD Polaris (RX 400, 500), Navi and Big Navi generations.
  • Stratum connections will now have an increasing timeout (steps of 5 seconds) when reconnecting plus a small random time of 1 second in order to not overload the target pool in case of recovering from a network outtake.
  • lolMiner API now has new page /gui, which allows you to watch your rig mining in a web browser. Navigate to http://:/gui in your brower doing so.
  • Added experimental (at the moment a bit slow) Ethash kernels for new AMD BC-250 APUs
  • In dual mining the algorithm that mined a share will now be shown in command line output
  • --ton-mode 6 stratum mode will now obey the prefix send to it on the first bytes of the nonce (request from other pools that want to use this scheme)
  • Startup time of dual mining on non-LHR cards is now reduced to 30 seconds after DAG build
  • Removed --ton-mode 2 from automatic detection (you still can request it explicitly) - will instead use mode 1 for existing and mode 6 for upcoming new stratum servers.


  • Fixed multiple stratum bugs - mostly crash fixes when running web socket based connections

Preview of lolMiner web monitoring:

lolMiner as a GPU miner for AMD.

Go to the lolMiner 1.45 released download page