2GIVE promotes charitable giving using PoS. It cannot be mined. 2GIVE is currently worth $ 0.00 per coin.


Last updated 1 year ago
Price per 2GIVE in USD $ 0.00030345171792467
Price per 2GIVE in Bitcoin 0
Volume over the last 24 hours $ 0
Market cap in USD $ 160,357
Change in % over the last hour 0.26853932
Change in % over the last 24 hours 1.08112962
Change in % over the last 7 days -0.72725537

2GIVE specifications

Name 2GIVE
Symbol 2GIVE
Minable Yes
Algorithm Scrypt
Prooftype PoW/PoS
Total coin supply 500000000
Premine: N/A

Coin description

2GIVE is a cryptocurrency designed to promote charitable giving and social impact through blockchain technology. It operates on a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, allowing users to stake their 2GIVE tokens to validate transactions and secure the network. 2GIVE emphasizes generosity, transparency, and usability.

2GIVE Charitable Giving Features

2GIVE's platform enables users to donate to charitable causes or support community initiatives directly, fostering a culture of generosity and collaboration. Its focus on transparency ensures that donations are used effectively. For example, users can track how their contributions are utilized by organizations they support.

One of 2GIVE's strengths lies in its alignment with social causes. By promoting ethical practices, it fosters a more sustainable and equitable economy. Keywords like 2GIVE charity and PoS rewards are closely tied to this project.

2GIVE price history